Psalm 77:19

Your path led through the sea, your way through the mighty waters, though your footprints were not seen.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

April/May 2010

Not much happened in April or May so that is why I combined them :D

Book Cover
Movie Poster
Book Cover
In April the only exciting thing that happen was The Last Song came out in theaters. If you don't already know this I'm a major Miley Cyrus fan, I have been for years, and so when I found out she made the movie I had to see it but not before I read the book. The Last Song was written my Nicholas Sparks and trust me if you haven't read any of his books you are defiantly missing something! The book was so sad and I cried about every page, although the ending was perfect. Now the movie was awesome too I cried about every scene and again the ending was perfect. But the only thing is if you compare the too the movie stinks compared to the book but sperately they are both awesome!!!

And then there is my dad's b-day which he never cares about any more because he is now 55 and old :D

Me with Allison and Hannah <3
Patrick and Shauna, this so explains
each of us felt about the night
Me with Sara, Chambray, and Liz :D
OMG I almost forgot about prom!!! Now let me tell you I felt like princess and I loved it!!! I had an awesome time going out to eat, hanging with friends, and making memories that will last forever!!! My date, Patrick, was such a gentleman and I can't wait to again this year!!! It is defiantly a thing you have to do in high school!!!

Really in May all I really did was go to Adventure, our theme park here in Iowa, and have a couple of concerts and a Fine Arts Brunch where I won a couple of awards and received a letter!! :D I do believe that I received something like most improved senior or something along those lines and something else spectacular!!! LOL!!!! :D

The next months were intense and so busy but very very fun!!! :D

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