Psalm 77:19

Your path led through the sea, your way through the mighty waters, though your footprints were not seen.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Looking Back with Toy Story 3

My family and I recently watched the movie Toy Story 3. Before I watched this movie I knew that it was about Andy leaving for college and he was going to get rid of his toys. I've heard that this movie was bad and this movie was good. I thought this movie was one of best especially for a sequel to a movie! Let's face it some movies just do not need a 2nd or even 3rd installment, but this was a good choice for Disney to make! If you have not seen this movie I highly recommend it. Your 3 year old will love the whole essence of Toy Story and your 17 year old will connect with Andy as he prepares to leave home.

When the first Toy Story came out I was about 3 and I just remember watching it and being awestruck. When the second one came out I was 6 and as with any sequel they are not so good but was impressed with this one! Then when this movie came out I just thought oh no this is not going to be good. Little did I know this would become one of my all time favorite Disney movies!

The movie has all of your original characters: Andy, Andy's mom, Molly, Woody, Buzz, Jessie, Bullseye, Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head, Rex, Hamm, Slinky Dog, the little green guys, and Barbie. The movie also has new characters like Lots-O'-Huggin' Bear, Ken (for Barbie :D), and all of their friends! The movie starts off with Andy leaving for college and all of the toys have not been played with in a while. Andy has to decide what stuff in his room goes with him to college, what goes in the attic, and what has to be donated. Andy decides to take Woody with him to college and put the rest in the attic. But by accident the other toys are put in the trash by Andy's mom. The toys end up escaping and put themselves into a box to be donated to Sunnyside Daycare. Woody, being the only one to see what really happened, tries to save the toys but the toys are persistent with the fact that they think Andy does not want them. As the toys get acquainted in the daycare they come to find they do not want to stay there and want to go back with Andy. Just like in the other movies Woody seems to put a plan together and good things always happen at the end of Disney movies! At the end you see a sentimental moment between Andy and all of his toys (that makes anyone with a heart and a love for Toy Story to cry). 

As I watched Andy get rid of all of his toys I was crying! I am 17 and will be leaving for college very soon and the thought of getting rid of my sentimental things breaks my heart. I know that I cannot hold on to them forever but to me they are so special and hold a special place in my heart that I will never let go of! It will be hard to release the toys and nicknack's that have memories that I never want to lose but just like Andy I know they have a special place in my heart and someone will enjoy them for me!  

I watched this movie with my mom. If you do not know my mom she has pretty much been crying every day this school year because of the fact that I will not be here a year from now! My mom, aside from the relating to it part, enjoyed this movie a lot. 

I would recommend this movie to anyone no matter how young or old you are! Make sure you watch it with your whole family!!!!! You and your family will love it! 

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Yeah...about the whole year in review!!!

Well it is well into a new year and I didn't put my whole year in review but I will start with something new soon!! Hope you are still up to reading this!!! God Bless!!!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year

2 hours has passed in 2011!!! While I am sitting here I keep thinking about why we celebrate this day. I mean I know that it is a new year now but why? It could be just like any other normal day, right? How do you celebrate hanging out with friends/family....going to a local hangout...going to a few of the local you sit at home you watch the countdown of the ball drop with Dick Clark...are you in bed when it turns....or do you just let it be like any other normal day!?!? In whatever why you celebrated I hope you enjoyed it and had a ton of fun. Me I went to a friends house and had a blast. We had food, talked, played some games, watched a movie, watch the ball drop, and then we did some celebrating ourselves!!! It was so fun and I will defiantly remember it next year!!! But why did I do that? I searched the internet on why we celebrated and there was no definite answer so really there is no reason. The reasons could be endless...look back on the old year and ahead at the new....another excuse to spend with those you love most.....or to see how much this year has changed and know that no matter what God has something bigger and better in store for you in the new year!!! 

Now this is not the best post but I hope it got you thinking!!! :D And don't worry I will finish reflecting on this blog!! :D June Part 2 is coming up next!! :D

Happy New Year!!!!!!!! Happy 2011!!!!!!! :D <3