Psalm 77:19

Your path led through the sea, your way through the mighty waters, though your footprints were not seen.

Monday, December 27, 2010

June 2010 Part 1

I'm going to start to add a little more pizazz to my entries hope you like it..please tell if this is annoying or you are not enjoying it as much!

June was a very very very busy busy month but one that will live in my heart for a long time...actually the whole summer was like that!!! :D <3 And that is why I am splitting June into two parts just so I don't keep you guys waiting for a really really long time :D

June started out so exciting and just kept getting better!!! First school was finally released. It was weird when the seniors left because we were FINALLY the head honchos and it felt AWESOME!!! When school left out we were so excited because we finally knew we were going to graduate!!! 

In the starting week of summer I had work and all that good stuff but then the sadness and the happiness came....
You have to know some more information first. In winter of 2007 we received new neighbors, the McLemores!!! If you think that name sounds familiar that's because it probably does because Jon McLemore with his group Street Corner Symphony were runner ups on The Sing Off! That's right a movie star was my neighbor!! But not only was he my neighbor our families became like one. Although it didn't start of like that!! We knew that we had new neighbors because we saw them once outside loading stuff off of a trailer and let me tell you he looked like Billy Ray Cyrus! There were 4 kids outside helping a dad in a cowboy hat and leather jacket. I quickly ran in and asked my mom if she knew anything about Billy Ray Cyrus and his family next door. She only knew a little but soon we learn to know a lot more! It turns out that Jon and Mandy, Jon's wife, had 5 kids in all, at the time, under the age of 8 and the youngest was not even one!!!! Addie, Rufus, Jackson, Ellie, and Betsy I will never forget you. Sure there were times when I had to get away from you but I enjoyed and looked forward to your hugs and kisses every day and still do but I don't get them! For the first couple months they moved here we didn't see them, saw no lights on in the house, or heard any noises! They were ghost people!!! The first time we officially met them was when Mandy came over to ask if we wanted to babysit and I said I would! The kids didn't know what to think about me but we soon learned to love each other like family. They were my nieces and nephews and I was there Aunt!! Jon and Mandy were my brother and sister!! My parents were Grandma Jane and Grandpa Bruce we loved those kids and we spent 24/7 with that family, well not really but it sure did feel like it. It was so sad and depressing for a few days to know that they had to leave! This brings me back to the beginning of my story!! Before they departed from Knoxville they decided to get rid of a lot of their stuff and my family had a lot of stuff to get rid of too so we decided to have a 2 family moving sale!! It was so fun all our stuff was spread out across the two yards and we were having a great time spending some time together before they all left. At the end of our two day garage sale we decided to have a going away party and it was a blast. We had pizza and drinks!!! Lots of laughter:D Lots of tears:'( It was great!! (Betsy is this a 6 or a 9 LOL) In the meantime Mandy's family was expected to come back and help them move back down to Florida! The exciting part is we grew close them too!!! The previous summer Petra, who is a year younger than me, came to spend the summer with Mandy and the kids!!! At first I didn't hang out with her that much but then I started to and as things happened before grew close to her too!!! And then later on the rest of them came and we met the rest of them and grew close to them too!!! It was so great to meet them and I will never forget them either!!! It was so exciting to know that they were coming to help because we were going to spend some time with them too before they left because let's face it there is nothing to come back to in this town for them once Jon and Mandy left! That was so so exciting, fun, and sad!!! Then it was time to say good-bye. They weren't scheduled to leave for a next couple days but we had to leave to go down to Missouri. Unfortunately we had to say good-bye early and it was so hard to do! I haven't forgotten about any of them and they ALL still have a special place in my heart!! I <3 you guys and miss you guys so so so so much!!!!! 

This brings me to the next most exciting thing in June!!! Until part 2!!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

April/May 2010

Not much happened in April or May so that is why I combined them :D

Book Cover
Movie Poster
Book Cover
In April the only exciting thing that happen was The Last Song came out in theaters. If you don't already know this I'm a major Miley Cyrus fan, I have been for years, and so when I found out she made the movie I had to see it but not before I read the book. The Last Song was written my Nicholas Sparks and trust me if you haven't read any of his books you are defiantly missing something! The book was so sad and I cried about every page, although the ending was perfect. Now the movie was awesome too I cried about every scene and again the ending was perfect. But the only thing is if you compare the too the movie stinks compared to the book but sperately they are both awesome!!!

And then there is my dad's b-day which he never cares about any more because he is now 55 and old :D

Me with Allison and Hannah <3
Patrick and Shauna, this so explains
each of us felt about the night
Me with Sara, Chambray, and Liz :D
OMG I almost forgot about prom!!! Now let me tell you I felt like princess and I loved it!!! I had an awesome time going out to eat, hanging with friends, and making memories that will last forever!!! My date, Patrick, was such a gentleman and I can't wait to again this year!!! It is defiantly a thing you have to do in high school!!!

Really in May all I really did was go to Adventure, our theme park here in Iowa, and have a couple of concerts and a Fine Arts Brunch where I won a couple of awards and received a letter!! :D I do believe that I received something like most improved senior or something along those lines and something else spectacular!!! LOL!!!! :D

The next months were intense and so busy but very very fun!!! :D

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

March 2010


The first week of March was busy with dress rehearsals and the show for Meet Me In St Louis!! Some nights we would be up till 11 just at school rehearsing and sometimes we may not even of had our homework done! They were defiantly late nights but in the end were all worth it! To see all those people in the crowd smiling, laughing, and even singing along just warms your heart!!! We are always having fun!!! Backstage is so tense right before the show we are always freaking out especially on opening night! If you  haven't been part of a musical you need to be. And this year for us seniors we are even more excited because we get to have the most fun of all being the leads!!! We cannot wait to see what happens.

There was one stress full...I guess you could call it that...time in March. So our girls basketball team made it to state. Our town was so happy and so thrilled for them but there was one slight problem. One of the ceremonies was going to be on one off our show nights!!! Why was that such a problem...well we had several girls from the team in the musical. To make sure that our show pulled off slow and smoothly we had to add and extra show. Why was that stress full to me?? Well we decided to add a Sunday matinĂ©e but there was one problem..I had a TEC reunion that day!!! I was so worried that I was not going to be able to attend the reunion!!! But I told Mrs. Duffy, the director, about my situation and she was just fine with me missing it!!! She told me that she had wished that she had something like that for her when she was young so she totally understood and I could not have been more excited!!! 

I went to the TEC reunion on Sunday and it was so exciting to see everyone again and to see how everyone was doing since TEC!!!! 

Those were really the only really really exciting things about March!!!!  

Monday, December 20, 2010

February 2010

The things that happened in February I will never forget. They have been etched into my heart forever!

February starts off like any other, school, musical practice. There was my mom and dad's 18th wedding anniversary...that makes me feel old!

The biggest that happened in February was a little old thing called Teens Encounter Christ otherwise known as TEC. If you haven't heard about it here is a little jist of what it really is. It is a weekend, Friday through Sunday, where teens from all across central Iowa come and encounter God! It has changed so much about my life that I cannot even describe it. This blog will not to TEC any justice. I went in there with some faith about God and came out with the biggest faith I have ever had in him. I truly believe that TEC is one of the main things in my life that has made me who I am today! How did God lead me here you say? Well we have to go back to November 18, 2009. I had posted a bible verse on Facebook,  Psalms 56:3-3 When I am afraid I will trust in you. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I will not be afraid. What can mortal man do to me?, I soon got a comment from Allison Crossett telling me that I should try TEC and that I would love it. I asked her about it more and all she could tell me was that it is an experience that I would never forget.  Little did I know that she was telling me the truth. After a few weeks of hesitation I finally sent in my application and was accepted to TEC #43. The morning of TEC I was so nervous, I was worried about what people were going to think of me, I was nervous about how everything was going to go and what was going to happen if I didn't enjoy. As soon as we left the house I knew that there was no turning back I was committed and was on my way to a weekend that has never left my mind yet. I was so overwhelmed when I got there so much was going on at the same time and I was not ready for this. Then I started to get into the groove of things and I was no longer nervous. I was enjoying my time. I was finding myself and God. I was on a Jesus high for a week. I also had made some new and amazing friends. Finally my Jesus high wore off but thank goodness I know who he is and what he has done for me!!!! I did not do TEC justice in this blog but trust me I'm pretty sure you'll be hearing about in some more of my blogs!! TEC was just amazing!!

Let's just say that February was one of those months that will never be forgotten!!! 

March was a little more busy!!!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

January 2010

Here goes the start of my blog!! I happen to have kept my agenda/organizer from the beginning of this year so this will help me a lot!!

When the clock struck midnight I did not realize what a year I was going to have! It was going to lead to AWESOME things to completely horrible things. One of my friends Andrew Kecy had come over to help celebrate New Years with my family..he enjoys my crazy family:DD My mom was not so okay with him coming over because our house was a complete and udder mess because of our new floors where just in the beginning stages of development. Andrew had fun anyway we played games and watched TV. I slept in late that morning and was ready to start the new year! I had to work the next day and school was to start that following Tuesday! For a couple weeks my January was just like any other week filled with school but there was musical going on! Our musical was 'Meet Me In St Louis'! Musical is one of those things that brings you closer together with everyone and you have so so much fun!!! From learning the lines to picking out the costumes!!! So as the regular days went by there were a couple exciting events!!

My used to be neighbors are awesome and I miss them so so much!!!! Their names are Jon and Mandy and they have 5 kids Addie, Rufus, Jackson, Ellie, and Betsy. They are all so cute and cannot wait to see them again..but lets get on with the story..wait so Jon is on this show called The Sing Off and you need to vote for his group, Street Corner Symphony, cause they are in the finals and we get to pick the winners so call 1-877-674-6402, text the number 2 to 97979, or go online to and vote for them. You can vote up to ten times so all together you can put in 30 votes!! Okay back to the story so a couple of the highlights were going to Ankeny to a place called Cafe Diem to watch Jon and at that time he was with Brian Abell and Robert Woodle, play a gig and they were great and I also got to sing with them!!! So on the way up there we took a big van and let me tell you it was so fun and we have so many awesome memories in that van!!The only horrible thing was that Jackson threw up everywhere in the cafe, all over is clothes and everything! So Mandy had to take the van and Jackson and go get some clothes. In the meantime I made sure that the two little girls were entertained with videos on Jon's laptop! When Mandy came back she had new clothes and little comfort  items for him!! When it was time to go home I watched Jackson as Mandy went to the bathroom and then he puked all over the couch he was laying on, it was so disgusting!! So after we cleaned all that up and situated everything and everyone in the van we headed back to Knoxville once again with some awesome memories!! Then they following Sunday we had a Devo at their house, one of many that I will never forget!!! We did everything from eat pizza, have a devo, to play Wii and try to beat everyone in Mario Kart!!

So other than working and school it was ya know your very laid back January!!!

Now what about February.......

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

1st Blog EVER!!

I’m so excited to start a blog! Just to let you know I have too blog sites but I am going to post the same exact thing on both! I am doing this so all the people who want to read them can!
Since it is coming to the end of 2010 I’m going to try my best to go through all 12 months, January through December, and relive them all!!!
Hope you all enjoy my blog!!!